Spring has sprung in Carterville, Missouri

This past weekend was marked by fantastic early Spring weather.  We spent most of it pruning and trimming and edging and mowing and generally having a great time.  This was one of those magical mid-May periods when Spring rain has washed everything squeaky clean and filled the soil full of moisture and atmospheric Nitrogen (picked up by the water droplets as they fall from the clouds).  You can almost hear things growing!

I took my Samsung S8+ and decided to give it’s 4K camera a test…. both with stills and with video.  What appears below is virtually straight out of the camera using the camera’s native 4K resolution and 24 FPS frame rate.

I’m a little unsure why the “wobble” in the video.  I wonder if it’s flaky image stabilization attempting to work?  It’s not me being shaky and it’s a bit distracting!

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