Space Station ( ISS ) Viewing Opportunities

If you’re a space geek like me, you might find this interesting.  Below is a table showing upcoming Internationak Space Station (ISS) viewing opportunities for the Joplin area in Southwest Missouri.

The widget below shows the next upcoming sighting.  After you read the next two paragraphs, click on “more sightings” to see a table with more upcoming opportunities.

Be sure to understand what you’re seeing in the table that comes up after you click “more sightings” below.  There’s a column that shows the direction and elevation above the horizon where the ISS will first appear.  The next door column shows the direction and elevation above the horizon where it will disappear again.  The station will track in a curved arc (but you can think of it as more or less a straight line) from where it appears to where it’s supposed to disappear.  Imagine standing in your back yard looking at the sky and draw that line in your mind’s eye.  You’ll get an idea if it’s going to be a good or a poor opportunity to get a good view of the ISS.

The “sighting duration” column is also a good clue.  Longer sighting duration means longer arc in the sky means likely higher arc in the sky.

Check it out:


You can get information for any spot by visiting this NASA web site.

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