Family (July 2017)

Note (August 26, 2017): The original video shown in this post has been replaced with one that pixelates (obscures not intoxicates!) the faces of strangers – just like on reality TV!  The technique uses a moving mask whose size and position is semi-automatically adjusted by Adobe Premiere (cc 2017) on a frame-by-frame basis.  I now have a new appreciation for the effort involved when I see something on TV where faces, product names, paintings, etc… are obscured.  It’s not trivial!

I took a few vacation days during the week following Independence Day.  Jim and I took advantage of the opportunity to spend some time in Saint Louis with family.  We had a wonderful time and took the opportunity to celebrate several recent and upcoming birthdays and a College graduation (Patrick’s).

We also met “Little” Ed’s significant other, Heather.  Turns out she’s a DJI Phantom pilot too!  Heather and I had a lot of fun making aerial and ground-based videos.  It’s so nice to have a “soul mate” in the family with respect to photography and video-making!

One of the most interesting shoots we did involved a unique sculpture by Seward Johnson in Saint Charles, Missouri called “The Awakening“.  It’s a reproduction of the original in Maryland and portrays a long-buried giant who has just awakened and is literally coming up out of the Earth.  Heather got some good shots here too.  I look forward to seeing her stuff.  I’ll post a link here when it goes online.

Below is a collection of videos and a collage of photos Jim took.  He was the “photo-meister” on this trip and did a great job!

Hope you enjoy!  Feel free to share using the social media buttons above and below.  Drop something in the comments below too if you’d like.

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